Senior researcher CNRS

Welcome to my home page!

I am currently a senior researcher in the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique located in LJK.
Since June 2024, I have been the scientific director of MIAI.


MIAI institute

I am part of the MIAI institute . I invite you to go to the webpage and visit us!

New affiliation

Please note my new affiliation: Laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann from 1st September 2019! I am within the STATIFY team located in Montbonnot.

New email address

Please email me now at sophie.achard...[AT] I may have lost some emails or phone messages, please do not hesitate to contact me again!

Test-retest data to download

You will find here the test-retest data used in our Neuroimage paper Termenon et al. 2016. Feel free to use them! Email me if they are useful or not!

R tutorial on brainwaver: graphs and wavelets with applications to neuroscience

You will find here a notebook on R for brainwaver. Feel free to use it! Do not hesitate to email me if you have any comments or questions.


If you are interested in my research topics, send me an email.

Past events

"Hubs of brain functional networks are radically reorganized in comatose patients" published in PNAS 2012

A video is available here to download here, sorry in French!
The full paper is available here

If you do not have access to the full paper, send me an email.

We are on the web!

To get in touch :

Department : DATA


Centre de recherche Inria Grenoble Rhône-Alpes
655 Avenue de l’Europe - CS 90051
38334 Montbonnot Cedex

Office : G204

Mail : sophie.achard...[AT]

Tel :

Fax :

Laboratoire Jean Kunztmann

UMR 5224 CNRS - Université Grenoble Alpes - INRIA - Grenoble INP