- Main contact: Michel Dojat, Emmanuel Barbier, Benjamin Lemasson, Jan Warnking.
- Common participation to projects: European H2020 Resstore Project (2016-19) NeuroCoG Idex project (2017-2020) INRIA HEROES project (2013-14) ARC INRIA AINSI (2011-12) GRAVIT transfer project LOCUS (2011-12) ARC INRIA SeLMIC (2007-08) NeuroImaging COgnition Signal and Image Analysis working group NICOSIA Co-advising of 5 PhD students (Benoit Scherrer (2005-08), Christine Bakhous (2010-13), Alexis Arnaud (2014-18), Veronica Munoz (2017-2020), Fabien Boux (2017-2020) Co-advising of 4 post-doctoral fellows (Senan Doyle 2007-08, L Chaari 2011-12, T. Vincent 2012-13 and Pablo Mesejo 2014-16) Co-advising of 4 engineers (F. Vasseur, T.Perret 2014-16, P.Rubini 2014-15), J. Arias (2016-2017)) 2 software development projects: P-LOCUS and PyHRF 2014-16 1 co-founded startup Pixyl
- Main contact: Sophie Achard.
- Common participation to projects: Persyvact and Persyvact2 actions from Persyval Labex Co-advising of 1 PhD Student: Karina Ashurbekova (2016-2019)
- Main contact: Sylvain Marie Co-advising of 1 PhD Student: Thibaud Rahier (2015-2018)
- Main contact: Veronique Rebuffel and Clarisse Fournier. Co-advising of 1 PhD Student: Pierre Antoine Rodesch (2015-2018)
- Main contact: Sylvain Doute.
- Common participation to projects: Co-advising of 1 PhD Student: Benoit Kugler (2019-2021) CNRS defi Imag'In project Multiplanet (2015-2017) Data@UGA project (2019-2020) ANR Vahine project (2007-10)
- Main contact: Olivier Francois.
- Common participation to projects: Co-advising of a post-doctoral fellow (Chibiao Chen) 2006 Co-development of the TESS and FASTRUCT software 2 Labex projects Persyvact and Persyvact2 (2015-2018)