Statistical methods for the brain functional connectivity networks, fusion with anatomical connectivity. Towards a new diagnostic and prognostic tool for the evaluation of consciousness disorders.
Principal investigator: S. Achard, ANR JCJC.
Homepage of the project
Consciousness disorders and functional connectivity
Principal investigator: S. Achard, Appel à Idées Réseau National des Systèmes Complexes.
Homepage of the project
Statistical methods for the analysis of human functional brain networks and dynamics
Principal investigators: S. Achard, and E. Bullmore, alliance program (the British Council and the
French Foreign Affairs Ministry (MAE))
Brain dynamics during speech experiment
Grenoble Institute of Technology
Principal investigators: S. Achard, J.-F. Coeurjolly, P. Lafaye de Micheaux, M. Sato and B. Rivet, 140 keuros (including one PhD studenship)
Event organisation
Summer school on Graphical models for the characterisation of information flow in complex networks: Application in neuroimaging
Meeting 17/06/2011 : A research day within GDR ISIS on signal and graphs