- Julyan Arbel (Junior researcher)
- Jean-Baptiste Durand (INPG - Assistant professor)
- Florence Forbes (Inria - Team leader, Senior research scientist)
- Stéphane Girard (Inria - Senior research scientist)
- Gildas Mazo (Inria - "Starting researcher")
- Gersende Fort (CNRS/ENST/TSI - Senior research scientist)
- Anne-Francoise Yao (Université de Clermont-Ferrand - Professor)
- Seydou Nourou Sylla (U. St Louis Senegal)
- Thibaud Rahier (CIFRE Schneider)
- Pierre Antoine Rodesch (CEA Grenoble)
- Mailys Lopes (CJS INRA Toulouse)
(See also the past PhD students page.)- Laure Amate (High School teacher Grenoble)
- Henri Bertholon (CNAM - Assistant professor)
- Julie Carreau (IRD, research scientist)
- Lotfi Chaâri (INP Toulouse, Assistant professor)
- Chibiao Chen (Software Engineer at Ultratech)
- Sophie Chopart (Software engineer, EB solutions, Saint Cyr en Mont d'or)
- Farida Enikeeva (University of Poitiers - Assistant professor)
- Mathieu Fauvel (ENSAT Toulouse - Assistant professor)
- Laurent Gardes (Université de Strasbourg - Professor)
- Paulo Gonçalvès (DANTE/Inria - Senior Researcher)
- Christian Lavergne (Université Montpellier 3 - Professor)
- Ludovic Leau-Mercier (Coriolys - CEO)
- Marie-José Martinez (Université Grenoble 2 - Assistant professor)
- Huu-Giao Nguyen (Post-doctoral Fellow, GMCAO, TIMC-IMAG, Grenoble, France)
- Kai Qin (Vice-Chancellor's Research Fellow, School of Computer Science and Information Technology at RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia)
- Angelika Studeny (Post-doctoral Fellow, Mescal team Inria)
- Eugen Ursu (Université de Bordeaux - Assistant professor)
- Flore Vasseur (Coriolys - Research Engineer)
- Thomas Vincent (Post-doctoral Fellow, Perform Center, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada)
- Darren Wraith (QUT, Brisbane, Australia - Senior Lecturer Faculty of Health, School - Public Health and Social Work)