- 20 ans INRIA Grenoble . I contributed to the collection for the event 20 ans INRIA Grenoble with a one page paper on statistical learning with Z. Harchaoui from team LEAR.
- Pixyl communication I participated to several large audience presentations related to the Pixyl startup and more recently to interviews for journals such as Presence and INSERM Science et Sante Magazine.
- The Intuitive Vision Programming (IVP) project (2009-12) : I was coordinating since October 2009, on the Mistis side, a "Pole de competitivite MINALOGIC" project including VI-Technology and Pige electronique as industrial partners. This collaboration was an excellent opportunity to transfer my expertise in statistical image analysis and Bayesian techniques to the AOI (Automatic Optical Inspection) market. I developed new models, for expert knowledge integration and defect detection from multiple image analysis, that have been already implemented and transferred to VI-Technology during the project.
- The LOCUS project (2011-12) : I also started, for the development of the LOCUS software developed in collaboration with the Grenoble Institute of Neuroscience and LIG (Magma team), for brain MRI analysis, in September 2010 a transfer project supported by GRAVIT. GRAVIT is a structure devoted to stimulating innovation that brings together 7 academic institutions, attached to 200 research labs. It is a shared tool, for the benefit of researchers and industry, to adapt the technology transfer to company innovation needs. Christophe Poyet from GRAVIT can be contacted for more details.
- Grenoble Innovation Fair, October 2010 : In this context I participated to the Grenoble Innovation Fair in October 2010 to explore new opportunities for collaboration among industrial groups, start-ups and research labs.
- Forum 4i Technology Fair, May 2009, Grenoble : Earlier, the LOCUS software has been selected to be presented at the FORUM 4i (Technology fair) in Grenoble in May 2009. For this event we prepared a 2 page flyer in French and English, a slide, and a video for non specialists. More details on the underlying technique can be found in (Scherrer et al. MICCAI 2009).