- Main contact: Philippe Ciuciu.
- Common participation to projects: INRIA HEROES Project (2013-14): "Hemodynamics informed atlas of brain functional and vascular territories form multimodal MR images". INRIA ARC AINSI (2011-12): "Modeles statistiques pour l'Assimilation d'Informations de Neuroimagerie fonctionnelle et de perfuSIon cerebrale". Software development project (2014-18): PyHRF. Co-supervisition of 2 post-doctoral fellows (Lotfi Chaari 2011-12 and Thomas Vincent 2012-13) . Co-supervisition of 2 PhD students (Christine Bakhous 2010-13 and Aina Frau-Pascual 2013-16). Co-supervisition of 1 engineer (T. Perret 2014-16).
- Main contact: Lotfi Chaari.
- Main contact: Myriam Charras-Garrido and David Abrial.
- Common participation to projects: Co-supervisition of a PhD student (Lamiae Azizi) 2008-11.
- Main contact: Nathalie Peyrard (MAD) and Matthieu Vignes (SaAB).
- Common participation to projects: Animation of the INRA Network called AIGM (ex-MSTGA) Co-development of the SpaCEM3 software